Monday, February 18, 2008

My Neighbor Totoro

OMG!! Kawaii!!! My friends Anastasia and Kevin went to Tokyo recently and came back with this giant Totoro for Ada. It's so ridiculously cute. I can't wait to watch Totoro with Ada -- it's so magical. For those of you who don't know what I'm babbling about, take a look here.

I think you'll agree, these are by far the cutest photos to date:
Here Totoro is whispering something shocking to Ada. She doesn't know whether to be amused or scandalized!
We've placed Totoro so that he's just peering over Ada's crib. I'm hoping his zen-like presence will help her sleep better. It's always worth a try!

Bounce, bounce, bounce!

You may remember the bouncer from a few months ago, when Ada was really too small for it. She's gotten a lot bigger and is now happily bouncing away. Sometimes though, it seems like she's a little elf, hard at work. She gets this very serious expression and just goes bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. With those tiny, skinny legs, she does look a little funny. I took some video of her bouncing but, as you'll see, had a little technical trouble.... slant your head sideways to see Ada hard at work:

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Food Update

So, a little update on Ada's food intake. She doesn't like most baby food, she doesn't like milk... so, what does she like? So far, here are things that have been exciting:

- Tofu Jelly Soup
- Roasted Garlic Hummus
- Egg Yolks
- Baby "Pasta Dinner"
- Channa Masala
- Saag
- Chicken gravy with mushrooms

We'll keep you posted on her continuing culinary adventures.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hello, Cuteness

Nothing all that interesting to say about his one, except that she just looked sort of cute and cozy in her bundle-y thing. We have a lot of moments like this:

High Chair

As I've demonstrated before, and again below:'s basically impossible to take pictures of Ada with the laptop cam these days.She just leaps for the computer, starts pounding on the keyboard and drooling on the mouse pad. Not good, although she does seem to enjoy herself.

The easiest way to get a good photo is to stick her in her high chair. I have captured several lovely moments that way.

This is her 1000-yard stare -- what is she looking at? What is she thinking? I don't know but it's serious! Immensely important. Don't distract her!

Oooh, fancy! This is a little hallmark-y but the light was coming in through the window and it was sunset and it was all pretty and stuff.

Finally, we figured it out -- she's an alien! She doesn't eat food, only webbing. Thank god her high chair came equipped with a supply of it. Those Swedes sure are smart.
Actually, in a funny coincidence, the high chair was actually a gift from Jane and Shannon, the lovely ladies at brunch in the last post. We're actually pretty lucky we got this one -- it's the only one I've seen that's small enough to be reasonably useful for Ada, who's still fitting into 3-month stuff at 8 months. Thanks, Jane and Shannon!

Babies Who Brunch

Brunch is the absolute perfect social occasion for babies -- they're alert and happy but very, very close to taking a nap. What could be better? Ada has been out to bunch a lot lately. She had her first dim sum (although I forgot the camera!) and thoroughly enjoyed her tofu jelly soup (I know, soy is allergenic. Won't happen again!) She also brunched with my friends Shannon and Jane last weekend at Back Forty, a lovely restaurant in the East Village. After brunch we went for a long walk in the strangely balmy weather. I guess I'm not complaining but sheesh -- it is February, after all.

She also joined me this week for brunch with my Grandparents, Pete and Betty, who are spending the month here in NYC. Here's a sweet picture of Ada and Betty:

We went to Artie's, and old fashioned deli on the Upper West Side. I thought the filling from a cheese blintz would be baby heaven but unfortunately it made her gag and throw up. Hmm... so she likes Chinese but not Deli... interesting.